Because undergoing breast augmentation is a significant commitment, making sure the results are worthwhile is essential. Breast implants may seem like a life-long commitment, but how long breast augmentation in Miami lasts depends on the individual getting the procedure. For example, your skin’s elasticity, collagen production, and overall health substantially influence how long your enhancements may last.
However, enhancements generally last between 10 and 20 years for most patients. Despite the longevity of implants, many women also choose to remove or replace their implants before it is necessary for cosmetic or medical reasons. Reach out for a consultation with a Miami cosmetic surgeon at our office if you are interested in learning more about your possible results, the procedure, and recovery expectations.
Though breast augmentation results could last for up to 20 years after surgery, implants may still change during this period and affect the breasts’ appearance. For example, over time, an aging breast implant may develop wrinkles or ripples that are noticeable through the skin. In addition, patients may feel the ripples underneath the skin when touching the breasts, which is not generally harmful but may be unpleasant.
Furthermore, breast augmentation surgery does not prevent the aging process from affecting enhanced breasts. As a result, breast sagging may develop and worsen over time, especially with larger implants, resulting in nipple stretching, breast asymmetry, and other cosmetic concerns.
However, cosmetic breast changes may not occur for everyone, as certain circumstances may cause or worsen mild changes. For example, pregnancy, weight fluctuations, and excessive sun exposure could reduce the longevity of breast augmentation enhancements.
In addition to cosmetic changes, some women may develop health complications due to implants that require corrective surgery. For example, a breast implant could rupture or leak into nearby muscles due to aging or trauma to the chest—this leads to the body reabsorbing the substance. As a result, the breast implant deflates, leaving the breast’s appearance significantly less voluminous.
Another complication is capsular contracture, which is when hardened scar tissue forms around the implants and causes substantial breast pain. In these cases, removing the affected scar tissue and replacing the breast implants is typically the best option for relieving the discomfort. In addition, surgery may alleviate tenderness and tightness within the breasts.
Several unique patient factors influence how long a breast augmentation might last. Though newer versions of breast implants could stay in good condition for up to 20 years, women may also develop cosmetic changes or medical complications that shorten the implants’ lifespan. In these cases, most patients replace or remove their breast implants within eight to 10 years of surgery.
However, not every breast augmentation patient develops complications and may enjoy their enhancements for several years. Despite this, breast implants are not lifelong devices and require replacement to prevent medical complications after 10 to 20 years. To discuss the types of breast implants available and their potential benefits, schedule a breast augmentation consultation with a member of our office today.
If you’re considering plastic surgery in Miami, Aventura or Fort Lauderdale, choosing the right plastic surgeon could not be more important. Dr. Jeremy White is the recipient of many honors and awards, including the 2021 Doctor’s Choice Award Miami, the 2016 RealSelf Top 500, and the prestigious Castle Connolly Top Doctors Award Winner since 2017. We invite you to have a consultation about the procedure you need. Schedule your consultation today.
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